Issue 18 Online Now!

We are thrilled to announce publication of the 18th issue of From Glasgow to Saturn. We have put together what we feel is a rather delicious collection of short fiction and poetry by present and past students, including Kathrine Sowerby, Vivien Jones, Philip Murnin, Mairi McCloud, Elizabeth Reeder, Amy Rafferty, Lynsey Calderwood, Ellen Glasgow, Michelle Waering, Paul Joseph Abbott and JoAnne Ruby McKay.

You can read prose and poetry online, or download your free copy.

Many thanks to those of you who submitted work. The standards of writing were once again highly impressive, so if your piece did not find a home in this issue, please do try us again in the future. Work has begun already on Issue 19, which we hope to have ready some time in January.

Until then, enjoy the magazine, and we’ll see you in 2011!

Alan Gillespie | Nick Boreham | Sheila Millar



As the dust settles and submissions begin to tumble in for Issue 18 (due to be released on November 29th), we’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who has contributed to, downloaded and supported this fledgling magazine. The number of visits to the website over the weekend was staggering, and we’re grateful to those who have helped to promote and spread the word.

We’d love to now receive some feedback from our readers and subscribers, so that our next issue can be even better than the last. Your comments, suggestions, criticisms and nitpicks will be gratefully taken on board, as of course will any glowing recommendations and/or tributes of soaring lyrical praise. Feel free to get in touch via the comments below or at our email address,
And don’t forget to send your poetry, prose and (especially) essays on the craft of writing to the same address. We’re reading submissions on a rolling basis and need quality writing for the next batch of delicious Glasgowy goodness.

We also have a shiny new twitter account, so please do come along and say hello @glasgow2saturn.

All the best,

Alan, Nick and Sheila