Submissions for Issue 50 now OPEN!

We are thrilled to announce we are now accepting submissions for Issue 50!

Submission gates will be open from February 24th through March 24th at midnight.

Please read our submission guidelines before submitting.

While there is no theme (and we encourage all submissions), the Editors are particularly interested in work speaking to or inspired by Edwin Morgan, as this year also marks the 50th anniversary of Morgan’s collection From Glasgow to Saturn after which our journal is named.

Submit here. Please direct any questions to

Issue 48 has landed!



The latest edition of From Glasgow to Saturn is here, and it’s waiting for you to download it and read it for free! Thank you to the amazing writers and artists who’s work makes this issue fizz with brilliance.


Issue 35

We are pleased to announce the launch of From Glasgow to Saturn Issue 35. This issue has been in the works for a while now, but finally we are ready to release this exciting new installment of the university’s official creative writing magazine.

Tonight at Peña (5 Eton Lane, G128NB) we will be celebrating this fantastic occasion with an evening of music, small beers and, of course, readings from the latest issue by our talented contributors.

The event begins at 7.30pm and all are welcome. Have a drink, be entertained, and maybe even buy an issue.

We can’t wait to see you there.

Jordan Mulligan | Graeme Rae | Lotte Mitchell Reford

Issue 30 is now available online

Our milestone 30th issue is now available to download.We chose the theme of independence, not because we wanted to conduct a straw poll among writers, but because the word itself means so much to so many. As you’ll see from reading this issue it is a word that can inspire as much as it can provoke. There are stories here of fraternal bonds, of men who will commit unspeakable acts to regain some semblance of independence, of those who cannot give up their independence, or those who cannot control it. There is undoubtedly a more political edge to this issue, and as a politically neutral magazine, it is a pity we saw so few submissions highlighting the perceived benefits of remaining part of the Union. That in itself tells us something of the mood of Scottish writers though.

Whatever happens to our country next year, our literature has a bright future and this issue encompasses the work of some of Scotland’s most talented writers.

We hope you enjoy the issue! It’s available to download here:

Shaunagh Jones | Calum Maclean | Kevin Scott


Japanese Charity Anthology

Our friends at Glasgow Writers for Japan urge you to consider sending in work for an upcoming charity anthology aimed at raising funds for those affected by recent events in Japan.

From the website:

This has been exciting week for our fledgling charity anthology, which seems to be growing daily into something very real and worthwhile.

We now have submissions from 24 talented and fantastic writers, which is an overwhelming amount to receive in such a short space of time. There is a wonderful variety of prose and poetry within this selection, and we’re delighted to be in possession of some brilliant pieces.

We have also had interesting and helpful meetings with two publishing houses, and there is a lot to consider, we but hope soon to be able to make an announcement regarding this. Ideally we will ensure the anthology is available for sale in paperback sometime in the summer in order to start generating funds for charity.

If you haven’t yet sent us in work, don’t worry! There’s still time! We’ll be accepting submissions right up until April 17th, so if you want to be involved please email us before then (and familiarise yourself with our submission guidelines).

Email your work to in a .doc or .rtf attachment.

Remember, you don’t have to wait for the book to come out to contribute to the relief fund; the Red Cross are taking donations online now.

Auditions for Three Short Films

A message from our friends at story2script2screen:

We are now holding auditions for individuals that would like to be involved in our three short films.

Auditions will be held on Tuesday the 25th of January from 2pm till 4pm. We will let you know as soon as possible as to where the auditions will be held, although we can confirm they will more than likely be held within Glasgow University. These auditions however are open to both students and non-students alike.

We kindly welcome any actor interested to sign up for a time by replying to this group with your full name, email address and the time you wish to attend from the scheduled times below (please read other replies to ensure that you do not sign up for a time already taken by another auditionee). A full sign up list/schedule will also be posted on the door on the day and you are welcome to sign up then although we urge you to sign up in advance so that you are not disappointed. Advanced sign up will end on the morning of the auditions at 10am.

We will then send out the finalised schedule.

A possible second audition may be held later, however, this is not definite so if you can make this one please attend.

Actors are asked to prepare a short (1 to 5 minute) monologue of their choice prior to the auditions.



We apologise for the short notice of this audition but hope that you can make it.

After the auditions have been held a short list will be produced and times/dates of filming discussed with the various directors. We will then contact you in due course to inform you of whether you have been successful or not. If you have been successful times/dates will be discuss to make sure that you are in fact available to attend filming etc.

Thank you and we greatly anticipate meeting you all.

Story 2 Script 2 Screen is a collaborative project in the Creative Writing Masters Programme at the University of Glasgow.

The project aims to take 3-4 short stories and convert them in to scripts and then into short films to be shown at a screening later in the year.

We also intend to take these film’s as part of a show exploring the creative process behind the project to both the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and The Glasgow Film Festival.

We now have sufficient short stories and have since converted these to scripts.

Whilst some directors have already been approached anyone interested in directing these short films should email

We are currently seeking actors for these shorts. Applications can be made via email or by simply signing up for an audition slot in the events section of this group. Initial auditions will be held on Tuesday the 25th of January 2011.

For more information please contact Zoe White and Livia Larrabee at:

Issue 18 Online Now!

We are thrilled to announce publication of the 18th issue of From Glasgow to Saturn. We have put together what we feel is a rather delicious collection of short fiction and poetry by present and past students, including Kathrine Sowerby, Vivien Jones, Philip Murnin, Mairi McCloud, Elizabeth Reeder, Amy Rafferty, Lynsey Calderwood, Ellen Glasgow, Michelle Waering, Paul Joseph Abbott and JoAnne Ruby McKay.

You can read prose and poetry online, or download your free copy.

Many thanks to those of you who submitted work. The standards of writing were once again highly impressive, so if your piece did not find a home in this issue, please do try us again in the future. Work has begun already on Issue 19, which we hope to have ready some time in January.

Until then, enjoy the magazine, and we’ll see you in 2011!

Alan Gillespie | Nick Boreham | Sheila Millar



As the dust settles and submissions begin to tumble in for Issue 18 (due to be released on November 29th), we’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who has contributed to, downloaded and supported this fledgling magazine. The number of visits to the website over the weekend was staggering, and we’re grateful to those who have helped to promote and spread the word.

We’d love to now receive some feedback from our readers and subscribers, so that our next issue can be even better than the last. Your comments, suggestions, criticisms and nitpicks will be gratefully taken on board, as of course will any glowing recommendations and/or tributes of soaring lyrical praise. Feel free to get in touch via the comments below or at our email address,
And don’t forget to send your poetry, prose and (especially) essays on the craft of writing to the same address. We’re reading submissions on a rolling basis and need quality writing for the next batch of delicious Glasgowy goodness.

We also have a shiny new twitter account, so please do come along and say hello @glasgow2saturn.

All the best,

Alan, Nick and Sheila

Issue 17 Online Now

The editors are pleased to announce publication of the 17th issue of From Glasgow to Saturn. We have put together what we feel is an excellent collection of short fiction and poetry by present and past staff and students, including Alan Bissett, Rodge Glass, Anneliese Mackintosh, Raymond Soltysek, Duncan Muir, Julie Martis, Mukul Dahal, Paul Abbott, Amy Anderson, Miles Beard and Patrick Holloway.

You can read online, or download your free copy, here.

Many thanks to those of you who submitted work. The standards of writing were suitably impressive, so if your piece did not find a home in this issue, please do try again in the future. Work has begun already on Issue 18, which we hope to have ready in the first week of December. We’re open to submissions and read on an ongoing basis.

Happy reading!

Alan Gillespie | Nick Boreham | Sheila Millar